Inside the hotel in shela island, we are celebrating by eating Swahili delicious food in this beautiful environment. Let’s celebrate peacefully guys. Peace peace peace
Mohamed Shekhuna
It’s Lamu fort in Lamu island, I took the picture with my phone, to maintain this beautiful image of our country let’s maintain peace
This piece of art is a representation on the Kenya we are living in today. Despite of the many challenges we face, there is still something Kenyans are proud about, our CREATIVITY. We, as a nation are able to represent ourselves everywhere we go.
samina khalifa
wakenya tujaribuni kujenga amani katika nchi yetu ya kenya tunayo ipenda
Solomon Muhoro Mwangi
This is a customised wall clock branded with the kenyan court of arms and flag colours. The Cockerel wielding an axe is replaced with a peace dove carrying a green twig. It can be wall mounted in homes, offices and halls.
sheikha hamza
wakenya wapendwa tunapaswa kujenga na kudumisha amani katika nchi yetu ya kenya haswa tunapo elekea msimu huu wa kura. ukabila, unyanyasaji lazima tuvifungie katika kaburi la sahau. umoja, upendo na amani tuvipeni kipau mbele tuewze kuijenga nchi
Omar Said
Just a contribution to promote peace in for my great nation
Eradion Ratemo
My country, my people, my mother, my inner peace is an artwork that touches the soul… a rendition of who we are are where our destiny lives. We all believe mother is supreme and her touch is like no other ! Let there be peace…
Sheikha hamza
Amani ni kitu muhimu wakenta tukiungana na kusahau ukabila tutafaulu kula sehemu
Raya AbdulAziz Said
peace…peace….peace….we need peace in our country