A spoken word piece on peace, from a Rwandan girl to her Kenyan brothers and sisters. Because Africans must stand together in this quest for peace 🙂
Title: Peace Need Not Be A Dream
Unga Wa Dola
A spoken word piece on peace, from a Rwandan girl to her Kenyan brothers and sisters. Because Africans must stand together in this quest for peace 🙂
Title: Peace Need Not Be A Dream
Not speaking peace leads to hate…
Fly the flag of peace…not hate
This art is based on the two giants of politics in our country represented by a girl and a boy, nasa and jubilee respectively shows whatever we choose we are united by a flag that is kenyan. We lean on each other whatever color we are.
The artwork is a combination of my two favorite styles of calligraphy and graffiti an art form known as calligraffiti. The script is adopted from the first stanza of the Kenya national anthem. The media used is acrylic paints on canvas
When are at peace we will leave enjoying our country our pride Kenya.
The black resembles our people and green is the life we need to continue living before and after elections.
The woman resembles our country is our mother
A song that explains the struggle of the Kenyan people and what can happen if Kenyans can come together and realize their potential. Inspired by the great PLO Lumumba.
Peace is the beauty of life, it is sunshine.
It is the smile of a child, the love of a mother, the joy of a father, the togetherness of a family…
Peace brings us together,makes us put our differences aside & live together in harmony. It’s what secures our future generations. Peace between our leaders heals our country. If we don’t peace, then where are we heading?